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Choosing a Tea

I was never really interested in Tea,I never drank it as a child and turned my nose up when offered at my Grand Parents. They had the ubiquitous Tetleys, PG, Typhoo to name but a few. They never ever used a tea strainer which is another reason I believe my youth was deprived of that golden liquor. After all who wanted a mouthful of leaves as you drained the cup, yuch. How things have changed Choosing a Tea throughout the day can be a delight. In the days prior to Tea bags which I don’t personally advocate. Here’s a link to an interesting BBC article I found regarding tea bags and plastics. www.facebook.com/470911516262605/posts/2843146709039062/

How many of you reading this have a cupboard full of tea and get bemused by the amount you have in there and just grab at the nearest one? Might I make a suggestion, categories your tea which will make choosing a tea so much easier. Firstly put them into order of Green Teas, Black Teas and Herb Teas etc. Then look at the use by dates, get rid of the old and put the rest in date order. Take a step further in each category place your favourites to the forefront, it’s personal preference but it’s what I do.

Now things are taking shape the way I go about choosing a tea throughout the day is by starting with a morning tea, maybe a pure Assam or certainly a blend that contains it like Morning Breakfast. During the course of the day I progress onto a lighter tea like a good Darjeeling which I prefer without milk until in the evening I go for a No nonsense caffeine free Japanese Bancha tea.