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British Weather

I bet I already have your attention specially if you’re British, the British Weather has a life of it’s own I swear to God. We can have all the seasons in one day, maybe that’s why we’re so adaptable. We hate whatever weather we have, too hot, too cold, too dry, too wet. we Brits are never happy.

In Britain you can be in a room of strangers, let’s think of one, say a doctors surgery, there’s a long wait to see the quack. All of a someone someone catches your eye, “Lousy, nice, stinking, horrible,hot weather we’re having”. You nod, but they have you in their grasp, someone else will pipe in and give you the temperature and the forecast for the week. It escalates “The newspaper says we’re in for the worst winter since Moses parted the sea” You smile but it’s true, just listen to Brits abroad “I love this place but it’s too hot, not like home”. Then when they get home they complain and on it goes. Here in Mumbles just across the Bristol Channel is Ilfracombe in Devon, the saying goes “If you can see Devon it’s going to rain, if you can’t it’s raining”

There are so many adjectives for British Weather and local colloquialisms did you know Flaggie in Scotland describes a snowflake, Dreich for misty wet miserable weather, Jeelit – freezing, i.e. ‘it’s fair jeelit ootside’.Watergaw – A patch of rainbow in the sky , it should be noted that a watergaw is not the same as a rainbow. It goes on and on.

At the moment as I write the British Weather is very unseasonable, it’s supposed to be flaming June but a months rainfall has deluged us in 24 hrs, parts of England and Wales are under feet of water. Last year we were in the throes of a heatwave, damage has been caused to crops and buildings, that’s the unpredictability of the British weather.

There is one thing we can all do whilst discussing the weather and that’s discuss it over Britain’s favourite brew a cup of tea, preferably Gower Tea. Keep smiling it’ll change in the next hour, day, week.